Viasat History presents, in partnership with the County Museum of History, the Dracula Conferences: “Dracula invites you to the RSR”
The conference is presented by Nicolae Pepene, director of the County Museum of History

Sunday, October 22
Cinemateca Patria
“Before 1989, even Ceausescu was turned into a vampire, Dracula’s myth being used even in political life. At the same time, at that time, the National Tourist Office turned Dracula’s myth into a tourist brand, then an aggressive marketing campaign was carried out, “said Nicolae Pepene, the historian being the author of the” Dracula, travel agent ” which presents a spectacular aspect of both the recent Romanian historiography and the history of Romanian tourism – the commercial valorization by the Romanian communist authorities of the Dracula trade myth and the “dispute” between the literary character created by Bram Stoker and the historical character Vlad Ţepeş.