Dracula Digital Competition is organized at Dracula Film Festival, 5th edition, and addresses young people aged between 16 and 29 from all over the country, passionate about film and photography. 500 Euro – this is the prize awarded to the winner.
Participants will have to make a short film of maximum 3 minutes, horror, SF or fantasy. Preliminary registrations took place until September 30, at www.draculadigital.ro. Then the online voting period followed. The film, which on October 7, 2017, at 23:59, recorded the most votes from the public and which automatically entered the final is “Repeat” by Andrei Toma.
The jury has sent the following 5 films in the final: “Maybe There Are No Accidents” by Claudiu Oprea, SourMoon’s “6th Floor”, Marius Călin’s “The Game”, “The Celtic Cross” by Andu Daniel Patache and “The Painting” by Oprea Catalin .
The final Dracula Digital competition takes place from 18 to 22 October 2017 in Brasov during the festival. At that time, the six selected teams will make a horror, SF, supernatural, thriller or fantastic movie. The film will be filmed with the mobile phone in Braşov, with a theme chosen by the jury and will have 3 minutes. The films will be screened at the festival on Sunday, October 22, 2017, and the winner will be elected by the jury vote.