The Little Vampire 3D (USA, 2017)

Official poster


Saturday, October 22
At 11.00
Sunday, October 22
At 11.00
Cinema One

Duration: 1 h 22 min
Ticket price: 30 lei


Voices: Radu Chirţan, Andrei Geavelea, Alexandra Radu, Cristi Neacşu, Adina Lucaciu, Ernest Fazekas, Elias Ferkin, Mioara Ifrim, Tomi Cristin, Cristi Balin, Ionuţ Grama, Gabi Şarga, Silvia Gâscă, Olimpia Mălai
Directors: Richard Claus, Angela Sommer-Bodenburg, bazat pe personajele create de Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Screenplay: Richard Claus, Karsten Kiilerich

The Little Vampire, based on the Angela Sommer-Bodenburg bestseller’s characters, tells the story of Rudolph, a 13-year-old vampire whose clan is threatened by a notorious vampire hunter. He meets Tony, a mortal of his age who is fascinated by old castles, cemeteries and … vampires. Tony will help Rudolph in his adventurous, humorous adventure, in which he will start to defeat his arrogant opponents, and together they will save Rudolph’s family, becoming best friends.

Official Trailer

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