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Regia: Stepan Burnashev
Distribuția: Violetta Kristoforova, Nadezhda Ushitskaya, Petr Basnaev, Afanasiy Karamzin
Genul filmului: dramă, mistic, slow-burn
Durata: 86 minute
Rating: 12+

Slow-burn Folk-Horror cu o tânără orăşeancă în căutarea mamei dispărute, ajunsă în cătunul ei natal, unde descoperă că aceasta este în viaţă dar înfricoşată de obiceiurile locale ţinând de folclorul regiunii Iacuţia, legat de răul care ameninţă să invadeze lumea. Obligată să rămână un timp în sălbăticia siberiană alături de mamă, fata se vede la rândul ei pusă în pericol de spiritele rele şi imersează în universul ritualurilor şi credinţelor ancestrale.

EN: A 23-year-old Alena returns from Moscow to Yakutsk after a call from her mother’s friend Svetlana. Who says that Alena’s mother Anna has been missing for three days. Alena goes to the police and is shown a print of the last date when she called a taxi. Police said that according to the taxi driver he took this woman in the village called Symyr. Alena decided to go to Symyr.

Director Biography – Stepan Burnashev

Stepan Burnashev was born in Ust-Aldanskiy district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), North of Russian Arctic. He graduated from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics but began to work in filmmaking.

In 2012 he made his feature debut „Quagmire”. The project was totally independent and had successful distribution. Since that time he launched his own production company „Saidam Baryl” which has already produced nine films.

He is participle of Russian and International film festivals and a Grand prix winner at Cheboksarsky international film festival (2015) for the film „Mannaigy taptal (First love)”.