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Regia: Álvaro García Gutiérrez
Distribuția: Gustavo Fernandez Cuenca, Jeison Ossa, Beatriz Toyos Barro, Mariu Ruiz Ortiz, David Fernandez Mayora
Genul filmului: thriller, horror
Durata: 109 minute

Horror apocaliptic al unui cineast multipremiat pentru scurtmetrajele sale. O mutaţie a virusului turbării provoacă o pandemie în faţa căreia, în doar trei luni, întreaga omenire se declară înfrântă. Puţinii supravieţuitori se regăsesc departe de zonele suprapopulate, fără electricitate, comunicaţii sau protecţie din partea autorităţilor. Se apropie iarna şi pericolul cel mai mare vine din partea propriilor semeni şi nu a persoanelor infectate, ce nu mai acţionează raţional.

EN: A mutation of the rabies virus, B249 has been transmitted to humans. The infection initially broke out in the North of Sumatra and only needed 20 days to get the entire continent exposed. Now, three months after the first case, we have given up the fight. Infected people attack every single living creature they find on their way; only a bite is enough to get infected and the effects appear after a few seconds. There’s no electricity, no communications, no army, no government. A group of five survivors flee to the countryside, far away from populated areas. Winter is coming.

Director Biography – Álvaro García Gutiérrez

Born in Cabezón de la Sal (Cantabria, northern Spain), on 1st october 1964, Álvaro García is a self-taught filmmaker. Despite his early interest in cinema, he did not start his cinematographic activity until his late thirties. e currently combines his job as a public servant with filmmaking, which includes several short films and, more recently, his brand new feature film “The Winter Hunger” (June, 2021). He has also worked as a theatre director and has been the director of Piélagos International Film Festival for 11 years.